Medical Visualization Made Simple
Explore the intricate details of your Patient's Anatomy in 3D, with our Intuitive DICOM Viewers

Benefits of Medical 3D Visualization
Access to accurate representations of a patient's anatomy in 3D space, enhances a physician's view of ailments or injuries, revealing details and structures missed using only standard 2D slices.
Pre-Operative Planning
Accurate 3D representations of patients' anatomy, allow physicians to better visualize surgical sites and plan procedures accordingly.
Reduced Surgical Time
Improved pre-operative planning leads to shorter surgical times, reducing the risks of complications, ultimately resulting in better patient outcomes.
Patient-Specific Care
3D representations of a patient's unique anatomy, facilitate personalized treatment plans, and act as guides in the production of custom-fit medical implants.
Enhanced Patient Education
Patient Education
Seeing accurate 3D representations of their own anatomy, helps patients better understand their ailment, as well as feel more confident in suggested procedures.
Medical Training
Training of medical students with 3D Anatomical Models, allows them to gain a better understanding of complex anatomical structures and procedures
Efficient Collaboration
Specialists from different fields can view and discuss the same 3D Images, ensuring a more coordinated and comprehensive approach to patient care.
Features of our DICOM Viewers
DICOM Vision
Lightweight 2D DICOM Viewer
Interactive 3D DICOM Viewer
Display DICOM Images in all modalities including CT, MRI & PET
View Images in Axial, Sagittal & Coronal Orientations
Analyze Images with Pan, Rotate & Zoom Tools
Adjust Contrast of DICOM Images
Apply Distinct Scientific Colormaps, or DICOM Standard Colormaps, to Images
Segment Images with Advanced Algorithms, to visualize different tissues and organs
Reconstruct 3D Anatomical Models from DICOM Images
Use Intuitive 3D Editing Tools on Anatomical Models
Export 3D Models in .STL Format for 3D Printing
Create Interactive 3D Volume Renders from DICOM Images
Available on Mac & Windows
DICOM Vision Mobile
View DICOM Images in any Format on the Go

Compatible with DICOM Images in CT/MRI Format
View DICOM Series in Axial, Sagittal & Coronal Orientations
Explore extensive list of DICOM Tags embedded in the Images
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